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Success Stories

A remarkable score of 75 in the PTE. This success can be attributed to the outstanding guidance and support provided by the Australian English Academy, whose effective teaching methods & personalized attention enriched my PTE journey.

Vasim Syed

I am extremely grateful for my experience with the AEA. Thanks to their exceptional guidance & support, I was able to achieve a remarkable score of 66 in the PTE exam. The academy's dedicated instructors & comprehensive study materials helped me a lot.

Ismail Ahmed

I scored 7.5bands in ilets in my first attempt.The infrastructure and administration of this institute is very good. The trainer, who teaches me is an expert in the field.

Syed Saadullah Ashfaq

This academy helped us get the desired score, and the best thing about them is that even after the completion of the course, they allowed us to come and practise whenever we wanted. They have the best setup in the heart of the city

Engr.mirza adil baig

I am very happy with Australia English academy because there are helping students to great career opportunity Friendly teaching thank you so much Australia English academy.

swaraj Yadav's Srikanth

Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her

Nishi Khan

Top notch facilities and training, They have given best training and provide australian trainers,it was good experience. Overall, a good learning experience.

Ubaid Khan
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